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Automated Domain Batch Registration

There are two pages under the Cloud Configuration drop-down menu, “Namesilo Configuration” and “NS Domain Name Registration”. This function is used to batch register domain names through the Namesilo Domain Name Platform in the background and resolve them to bound domain names. This function requires that the Namesilo account itself has complete personal information, and the account’s pre recharge balance exceeds $1. It does not support credit card, PayPal, and other forms of binding deduction, and must be pre charged to the Namesilo account balance.

Ensure that ns1 and ns2 on the ‘Cloudflare Configuration’ page are not empty. If they are empty, please go to the ‘Domain Name Binding’ page, click the ‘Add’ button to write someone else’s domain name, and then close it. After that, the ‘Cloudflare Configuration’ page will have specific values for ns1 and ns2.

Firstly, go to the “namesilo configuration” configuration page, follow the prompts on the page to obtain the API, and click the add button to add it.

Then go to the “NS Domain Name Registration” page to register in bulk.

Random characters currently support 7-9 pure letters or 6-8 digit numbers and letter combinations, and suffixes support the vast majority of namesilo domain platforms.

Click the Start Batch Registration button, and the program will begin registration. If registration is successful, the registered domain name will be displayed in the following list.

After batch registration, do not immediately click the button – Batch Add to Bind Domain Name – because the domain name you just purchased cannot be added to CloudFlare. You need to wait for confirmation from the domain registration office before you can use it. Or do you need to wait a few minutes before clicking the button – Batch Add to Bind Domain Name – to add it to the ‘Bind Domain Name’ page for use.

Because domain names are purchased in bulk through APIs, the security page program will automatically change the ns records without the need to go to the domain name backend to change the ns records.
